Loopin Experts Reveal Factors that Could Increase Staff Turnover

Many factors could be considered when it comes to staff turnover, but while some may be inevitable, such as retirement, a change in career, or even moving away, others can be controlled. Employee well-being experts Loopin have highlighted six of the major factors in the workplace that could lead to a high staff turnover, from lack of opportunities to overworked staff.

Here is Loopin’s list:

  • Little opportunity for growth– By not providing opportunities for employees to progress, it can cause them to feel stuck in their roles and feel as though their hard work and commitment aren’t recognized. Offering promotions for existing employees rather than hiring externally is one way to provide opportunities for growth. Communication is key in this instance to ensure employees have clarity on how they need to perform to grow in their roles.
  • Lack of feedback– Offering feedback to employees is a small implementation that can go far. It shows recognition and is a huge factor that can help them succeed. Feedback allows employees to see areas that need more work, thus allowing their performance to improve. Regular one-on-one meetings are a great opportunity to provide feedback. Employers may ask questions to discover more about their employees’ goals, such as the direction they wish to head in their careers. From this, appropriate measures can be taken
  • Micromanagement – While micromanagement may work in some instances, it has its disadvantages that can drive employees away. Micromanaging limits creativity and implies that you don’t trust workers to make the right decisions on their own. You can avoid micromanagement by choosing the right workers for the job based on their strengths and goals. Delegating will make you feel more confident in leaving them to complete tasks without your overseeing eye, and it will be easier to draw away from telling them how to do the job correctly.
  • Lack of flexible working– From working remotely to having an alternative start and finish times to the normal hours, flexible working offers a practical solution for employers. It can help those using public transport, staff who are faced with lots of traffic on their commute, and employees who need to take their children to school. Having flexible working in place makes employees’ lives easier and offers a better work-life balance; without it, employees may turn to a different company that does provide this benefit.
  • Overworking employees– Sometimes, it can be a necessity for employees to take on more responsibilities, for example when someone leaves the company, and their role hasn’t been replaced. However, it’s vital that managers monitor the workload of employees to ensure it can be managed without affecting their stress levels, productivity and personal lives. Without doing so, staff may search for another role that will be better suited for a work-life balance and won’t contribute to stress or burnout.
  • Hiring the wrong candidate – Hiring the wrong person for the job will affect the company, and it can have an impact on the employee, so it’s important to choose a candidate who is a great fit for the role. The perfect candidate may not be able to start immediately, so, you need to be patient instead of hiring a candidate who may not have as many of the desired qualities but can start straight away. To prevent hiring the wrong person, it’s crucial to not rush into any decisions. Choosing the first qualified candidate to fill the role could prevent you from finding someone who is much better suited.

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