Infoblox Inc., a leader in secure cloud-managed network services, announced the results of Forrester Consulting’s Economic Impact analysis of BloxOne Threat Defense, which found the solution can increase customers’ return on investment by 243 percent over three years.
Organizations are over-extended when it comes to securing their networks. The threat surface has grown exponentially because of the COVID-19 shutdowns and the accelerated adoption of remote work. Finding skilled personnel is a challenge as the industry continues to face a skills shortage while malicious actors escalate cyberattacks.
To understand the costs, benefits, flexibility and risk factors that affect organizations’ security investment decisions, Infoblox commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact study on BloxOne Threat Defense. The study found that over a three year period, BloxOne Threat Defense can:
- Give security operations teams nearly 20 percent of their time back and reduce SecOps effort on incidents by 34 percent, which collectively generated an estimated savings of nearly $300,000
- Save nearly $500,000 by reducing the risk of material breach, blocking security gaps other tools miss, and using DNS to provide a foundational layer of security to prevent the exfiltration of sensitive data or the infiltration of malicious code
- Prevent nearly 2,000 hours in productivity losses per year through more effective filtering of malicious domains, which saved nearly $200,000
BloxOne Threat Defense also reduced the burden on the security stack by filtering out a majority of events and threats before they reach network security devices upstream.
“Building DNS security with DDI solutions is a powerful and cost-effective tool for organizations to protect their networks and users,” said Anthony James, Vice President of Product Marketing, at Infoblox. “As a core network service, DNS is the initial connection point for all communications and can block more than 90 percent of cyber threats trying to enter and exit an enterprise. BloxOne Threat Defense leverages DNS to provide a foundational layer of security from the network core to the edge, making security teams more effective while stretching the value of their security budget.”