Workspot Webinars to Explore Enterprise Desktop Cloud Migration, Remote Work Strategies

Workspot, an enterprise desktop cloud company, has launched a webinar series, “On the SPOT!” that will feature industry thought leaders exploring the technology and business considerations of moving enterprise desktops to the cloud. Registration information is available at

The inaugural episode, “The Role of Cloud Desktops in a Work from Anywhere World,” on April 8 will feature Mark Templeton, virtualization visionary, member of Workspot’s board of directors and former CEO of Citrix.

Templeton will be joined by Workspot’s vice president of marketing, Brad Peterson, to discuss the past, present and future of end-user computing. They will examine why organizations worldwide are now moving their IT infrastructure – including enterprise desktops – to the public cloud, and how the accelerating adoption of available-anywhere cloud desktops is fundamentally changing the “Work from Anywhere” landscape and the future of IT.

Discussion topics will include:

  • What trends are driving digital transformation?
  • Are traditional datacenters doomed?
  • Is SaaS the Holy Grail for end user computing?
  • Can cloud IT fit into a zero-trust security model?

Attendees will learn the strategies other enterprises are using to empower work from anywhere. They’ll gain key insights about the choices available for cloud desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) and the tradeoffs of each approach. The session will be interactive, and attendees are welcome to bring questions.

Templeton, board of directors member, Workspot, said, “As a long-time advocate of the idea of a virtual workplace, I see the enormous opportunities organizations have by adopting the cloud for end user computing. We’re launching this series to provide a community forum to explore key topics facing IT leaders as they modernize, move and maximize the power of the cloud. I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts and hearing what’s on attendees’ minds.”