Headset Advisor has named the Jabra Evolve2 85 headset as its top product for active noise cancellation (ANC). The Evolve 2 narrowly defeated the Bose 700 UC, Poly 8200 UC and Orosound Tilde Pro models.
“There are several key areas that we considered before giving the nod to any one headset,” noted Headset Advisor in a statement. “These areas included size of ear cups and cushions, passive noise reduction, levels of ANC adjustability, comfort and finally overall performance (how well it did to remove unwanted sounds).”
Jabra’s Evolve2 85 comes with large ear cups that fully cover both ears and passively remove unwanted sounds. This, when combined with a pair of leather ear cushions, makes it a more soft experience. Additionally, unlike having an ANC on/off button with no levels of adjustment, the Evolve2 85 provides five levels of adjustability.
Additional info comes via the Headset Advisor website.