DoControl Secures Enterprise Video Conferencing Data through Zoom Integration

DoControl, an automated software as a service (SaaS) security company, has teamed up with Zoom Video Communications Inc. to provide an additional layer of data access security controls to protect sensitive video, audio and text-based files. The integration with Zoom extends DoControl’s security controls to another business-critical communications platform, enabling SaaS data generated across business units and applications to be secured and managed from a single platform.

The use of video conferencing tools has experienced an increase to support for remote and hybrid working models, and a Global Marketing Insights report shows the U.S. video conferencing market is forecast to register a growth rate above 19 percent through 2027.

Users can elevate risk when leveraging these tools, as the verbally communicated content generated within these recordings has a higher propensity to contain sensitive data relative to text-based content. It’s crucial to implement appropriate security measures to help prevent attackers from accessing the intellectual property, sensitive company data, and trade secrets associated with video conferencing activities.

Key features of the integration include:

  • End-to-End Visibility – With granular visibility into specific user details, such as name, department, email, etc., security teams can better understand who is accessing the application and for what purpose so they can perform event correlation to organize related activities and identify potential risks to the business.
  • Securing Access to Video and Text-based Recordings – With insights into cloud recordings and their associated settings, such as sharing status, passcode protection, meeting participants, downloadability, generated files, and the recording event, the sensitive content within cloud recordings can be automatically identified and remediated through self-service tooling or via automated policy enforcement.
  • Granular Data Access Control Policies – The DoControl platform enables security teams to create granular Security Workflows that automatically notify the appropriate teams of policy violations and anomalies. Security Workflows can be leveraged as a preventative control to help protect sensitive data and files within Zoom from being exposed to the wrong users. DoControl also enables security teams to enforce strong password protection across specific identities with higher risk levels.

To learn more about DoControl, visit