Cresta Looks at Sales Effectiveness in Revenue-generating Contact Centers

In the years since COVID-19, contact centers have experienced a tremendous increase in volume, triggering a fundamental shift in their role.

While contact centers traditionally received and mitigated customer concerns, they are now taking on a more strategic role, geared towards driving sales and generating revenue. Sales leaders across industries – from health care and telecom to financial services – need to rethink how they support their teams.

To better understand these seismic shifts and how they affect customer service and sales teams across industries, Cresta AI fielded a survey of 300 sales and service-to-sales leaders who run high-velocity sales/revenue-generating contact centers at large enterprises.

Through the survey, Cresta AI wanted to understand the strategies that forward-looking companies deploy, how this differs across industries, and how these leaders prepare for the future.

Here is a sneak peek at just three of the findings from the report:

  • The top challenges leaders are facing are universal – Regardless of the industry these leaders face similar challenges across the board. 52 percent cited that employee turnover is their number one concern, with attrition and the war for hiring talent at an all-time high. Close behind was 51 percent reporting that business optimization, or doing more with less, is the biggest challenge they face.
  • Bigger companies may be slower to innovate – One insight from the survey was the finding that the larger the company, the less mature their use of metrics to measure sales efficiency and effectiveness is, as compared with respondents from companies with less than 1,000 employees or annual revenues of less than $1 billion. While larger organizations may be well-positioned and resourced to be early adopters of emerging technologies, it’s also possible that change management at such a scale may end up being more of a hindrance to nimble adaptation.
  • Implementation of real-time intelligence is low – Despite the fast-paced nature of a contact center and the high expectations from customers, fewer than half (44 percent) of the organizations surveyed monitor their conversations in real-time and then use that data to prompt agents with hints and tips.
  • It became clear from the research that there is a true disconnect between the actions that organizations acknowledge they must take and the actions they take toward more efficient and effective operations.

To learn more about how sales leaders across industries are pivoting contact center operations towards revenue generation, and preparing for the future with generative AI-enabled technology. To download the report, go here