COVID-19 has changed the world and our professional lives. Also, the recent economic turbulence, and the energy crisis, presents new challenges for organizations that want to attract and retain the top talent. It’s clear organizations need to adapt to survive.
The Tesseract Academy, a London-based education and consulting company, conducted a survey among tech professionals on the importance of organizational culture in the post-COVID world, and new trends such as hybrid working and the four-day workweek. The report can be found here:
The report asked a series of questions to understand the importance of organizational culture in modern corporations and what is the status of trends like hybrid working and the four-day workweek. Out of all respondents, one third were CEOs, with the rest working either in technical roles, or support functions.
The report found the vast majority of participants (up to 80 percent), believes organizational culture plays an important role in retaining and attracting talent. Also, many of them reported the culture of a company is a key factor for leaving or staying with the employer.
The vast majority also believes that organizational culture plays a huge role in navigating the post-covid landscape.
Also, the majority is either in hybrid mode or wants to work in a hybrid fashion. Close to nine out of ten respondents believe most companies will offer a hybrid option in the future. Therefore, it’s clear hybrid and remote work are here to stay.
A majority of employees demands it, and the companies that can’t offer it might find themselves being unable to attract top talent.
Things are more mixed concerning the four-day work week. More than 80 percent of the respondents work full time (five days per week) with only two being on a four-day workweek. About 50 percent would like to have a four-day work week option, with 40 percent believing that most companies in the future will offer this option as well.
While the numbers here are not as strong as they are for hybrid working, it’s clear the four-day work week is a reality and will be a reality for many professionals.
Dr. Stylianos Kampakis (pictured) the CEO of the Tesseract Academy said, “”COVID-19 brought many changes to the economy, our professional lives and the world. It’s clear that organizational culture is key in navigating this new landscape.”