
The New State of Contact COVID changed contact center agent experience (probably) forever It’s no secret to companies that sent their call center agents home to work remotely during the pandemic that those changes altered contact centers for good, hence influencing customer service as well. To ensure agents provide a good customer experience (CX), agents must be kept happy, productive and satisfied. In other words, businesses must provide a good agent experience (AX). Replicant blog writer Jenny Kieswetter wrote recently, “contact centers have operated on multi-year plans, contemplating evolving changes to their workforce, technology and customer satisfaction goals.” But she notes, COVID changed all that. “It’s safe to say that moving forward, the multi-year plan will be replaced bymore nimble, flexible planning, as technology, work-from-home strategies, and fluctuation in customer demands have catapulted us forward,” argued Kieswetter. “The pandemic has radically changed how companies operate and respond to customer inquiries or concerns.” Replicant helps companies automate their common customer service calls while it empowers agents to focus on more complex and nuanced customer challenges. Replicant’s AI platform allows consumers to engage in natural conversations across voice, messaging and other digital channels to resolve their customer support issues. Citing a survey by DeviceBits – an AI software provider – Kieswetter wrote that 64 percent of companies reported downsizing their contact center operations in response to the pandemic, creating new challenges with increased customer service demands and fewer on-site RESOURCES By Bruce Christian 34 REMOTE WORK SOLUTIONS