
internal operation and enabling greater automation. It also simplifies the management of IT resources in the long term. • Lower costs and overhead. Desktop delivery in the cloud provides natural economies of scale, allowing businesses to pay only for what they need. This reduces costs by optimizing both software licenses and hardware or storage purchases both on-premises or within the cloud. • Defense against ongoing supplier shortages. The supply chain and supplier shortages in the IT industry were heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Desktop delivery in the cloud gives organizations the ability to defend against these issues. • Simple to support and manage. In a desktop delivery in the cloud model, the provider manages the back-end responsibilities of data storage, backup, security and upgrades, freeing up the organization to focus on other pressing issues. • Long-term viability. The reduced costs, strengthened security and increased productivity offered by desktop delivery in the cloud sets an organization up for long-term success. In the journey toward a modern desktop delivery model, organizations can benefit from the flexibility desktop delivery in the cloud has to offer – 81 percent of respondents from the previously mentioned survey identified flexibility as “critical” to their organizations. They could supply all users with the same services and resources, but that’s unlikely to be the most efficient, easily managed or secure solution. The former “one-size-fits-all” approach to desktop deployment is largely responsible for the mess that many IT departments continue to find themselves in. The truth is there are many other solutions available now and an organization would be well suited to explore all the options. There’s no one technology that’s ideal for everyone, and the many options available are not mutually exclusive. Organizations can pick and blend preferred technologies and tactics to build a complete solution based on the needs and expectations of their end-user communities, which have changed significantly since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s time to rethink how organizations deliver the desktop digital workspaces that they now depend on. This will in turn impact the network and security infrastructure. For instance, WFH means the when and where users work has changed, as has how they connect, and the combination of devices and applications that they use. The short-term success of the switch to WFH came with longerterm costs. Fortunately, it also confirmed that IT departments that have adopted modern desktop delivery models and platforms are more likely to see better outcomes in areas such as user satisfaction, cost of ownership, manageability and security. The modern desktop delivery model is specifically designed to accommodate change quickly and flexibly, but it also has the potential to ease crucial tasks such as those around desktop deployment, management and support, and in particular when it comes to patching and updating endpoint devices across a widely dispersed enterprise. In the end, the opportunity now is not to simply settle into a new stability, but to turn the disruption caused by the pandemic into transformation. Organizations need to look for ways to continually simplify desktop management and cut delivery costs via endpoint unification and consistency. They also need to explore the different ways of delivering digital workspaces to users, and how they can be combined to best support differing user needs. Above all, like so many things in IT, organizations must realize that modern desktop delivery is a continual journey and not a destination. J Dan O’Farrell is the VP of product marketing for IGEL, provider of the managed endpoint OS for the secure delivery of any digital workspace. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Modernizing the Digital Workplace Volunteers Non-Volunt ers Source: Freeform Dynamics, March 2022 Attrition Rates Ov r 2021H2 Source: Stanford University; What are the top 3 benefits of working from home? Percent of respondents 75% 28% 47% 68% 25% 43% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Sgrongly disagree As we move forward, it doesn’t make sense to just perpetuate old ways of doing things We need to get away from IT teams having to spend so much time on desktop delivery 5.0 4.5 6.1 9.6 7.2 4.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 Control Treated Control Treated Percent Percent 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 60.4 49.1 46.9 37.8 15.7 36.7 17 REMOTE WORK SOLUTIONS