
In turning to a single service provider for their on-demand, consolidated security, many businesses expect to bolster operational output, collaboration and threat detection/prevention, ultimately promoting a more seamless environment for their geographically spread employee base. Consolidated security lends a multi-pronged approach to cyber coverage. This type of architecture seeks to secure any and all potential IT attack surfaces, exchanging similar threat-protection, management and threatintelligence service options regardless of whether it is securing a network, cloud connection, endpoint, mobile or IoT device. Overall, the goal is to simplify the architecture while enhancing connectivity and improving the overall cybersecurity posture that is so critical for your organization’s needs. Generally speaking, consolidated security tends to include: • Threat Prevention - Addressing potential holes in security, no matter from where they stem. • Threat Intelligence - Real-time, spanning virtually any environment. • Security Management - Unified to promote more effective security oversight. • Patch Management - Including for operating system and thirdparty applications. • Encryption - For securing communications. • Threat Reporting - Daily updates on applications, networks and components. • Data Management - Overseeing and auditing information, whether from endpoints, at rest or in use. According to WatchGuard Technologies, comprehensive coverage is key. The company’s senior vice president of product management, Andrew Young, recently noted that how consolidated security software “enables MSPs [managed service providers] to offer a comprehensive set of enterprise-grade security services to protect businesses of all sizes. Endpoint modules not only drastically simplify the management of our endpoint security portfolio for MSPs but provide them with new cross-sell and up-sell revenue opportunities as well.” There are, of course, many other benefits for a company with remote workers. Zero-Day Threat Resolution Predicting the next big threat can be very difficult, as it can come from almost anywhere. To further complicate matters, remote staff often find themselves unable to coordinate in real time, if for no other reason than the complicated logistics of being distributed across many miles – or even in multiple time zones. Today’s businesses must be able to efficiently and effectively mitigate risk as it is encountered, delivering consistent, standardized protection (across all digital assets) and secured connectivity (spanning many points of entry). According to Check Point Security Technologies, consolidated security is most effective because of its ability to prevent threats in real time. This area is critical for a dispersed workforce, in which employees tend to be scattered across a wide area and addressing such issues in a timely, coordinated fashion can be problematic. After all, Check Point contends that most attacks are easier to prevent than to address. Management Indeed, when you have remote workers, coordination can be key. One benefit to consolidated security is that it streamlines all management options, continuing to field “OVERALL, THE GOAL IS TO SIMPLIFY THE ARCHITECTURE WHILE ENHANCING CONNECTIVITY AND IMPROVING THE OVERALL CYBERSECURITY POSTURE THAT IS SO CRITICAL FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION’S NEEDS.” 19 REMOTE WORK SOLUTIONS