
Video production often involves collections of media from multiple shoots and various team members who contribute their skills and talents to create the finished product. Successful teams find their rhythms as they work together inside and outside the production studio – until the pandemic. When production facilities closed, teams needed to find ways to stay productive, and technology made remote video production possible. However, in many cases, challenges to effective production processes that result in quality video remain. Technical capabilities that teams took for granted in the studio needed to be reimagined and implemented for remote video production. Some of the necessary hurdles to overcome included: Capacity – The enormous size of video files can take excessive time to upload, process, edit and share files unless enough storage capacity and computing power are available. A professional working at home or onsite may not have the ability to spin up a virtual server or access adequate internet service without a pricy upgrade. Leading media asset management (MAM) software offers a solution to this challenge. These platforms enable compressing files to create proxies that teams can use to edit or review video but that don’t diminish the quality of the final product. Therefore, teams can more easily access files through the cloud and work productively. Security – Intellectual property can be worth millions, and access to video assets must be strictly protected. Additionally, video can be stolen, corrupted or held for ransom if hackers gain access to the network and upload malware. With more of the video production process in the cloud and across the internet, security becomes even more of a priority than when teams are working together using onpremises IT infrastructure. Carefully evaluate each process your team uses, identify risks and put solutions in place, such as network firewalls, web-application firewalls, antivirus and intrusion prevention/intrusion detection solutions, to provide the highest degree of security possible. Home Video By Mike Majewski Pandemic-caused challenges and solutions for remote video production INTELLIGENCE 32 REMOTE WORK SOLUTIONS