Brings People Together with Video Meeting Solution is helping people stay connected during the COVID-19 global pandemic with its Banty Personal video meeting solution. Here, individuals can check-in with loved ones from around the world using any desktop browser, or by downloading Banty’s mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

“As individuals continue to practice social distancing, it is more important than ever that we embrace new ways to stay in touch with family and friends,” said Banty co-founder and CEO, Scott Wilson. “Banty Personal is an interactive and engaging meeting space in which people can safely gather and have a very socially satisfying experience. What’s more, the end-to-end encryption technology Banty uses ensures that all gatherings remain private and secure.”

Banty Personal has several features that are meant to make video meetings easy to attend and fun to be a part of. Those who sign up for the service can create a permanent, personalized URL (i.e., for their meeting room. This is the link people will use to access the gathering they’ve been invited to, rather than a confusing, auto-generated, alphanumeric link. Additionally, invitees are not required to download any software to participate in a Banty video meeting.

A Banty Personal room can have upwards of 115 participants at once and does not put a time limit on meetings. This freedom makes it possible for large groups of people to have extended conversations, use the screen share feature.

Banty Personal is a desirable high-definition video meeting solution for business owners, freelancers, and sole proprietors. Meeting rooms can be customized with a headshot, logo or other marketing assets designed to give clients a positive impression. Meanwhile, productivity tools like active speaker view, the digital whiteboard, plus polling and live Q&A capabilities, help to keep everyone on the same page.

During busy periods, Banty’s intuitive scheduling feature efficiently keeps track of appointments, while the door lock tool can be activated to ensure no one accidentally enters a meeting.

“When the pandemic struck, we originally thought of Banty as a video conferencing solution for medical professionals. We figured it would give doctors and their patients a way to have private, face-to-face consultations without having to come into close contact with one another,” said Banty co-founder, Dr. Rick Tytus, Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University. “However, we soon discovered that patients embraced Banty and started hosting their own meetings. It was then that we realized our platform would be beneficial to everyone – not just those in medicine.”

For information, visit

Pictured: Co-founders Scott Wilson and Dr. Richard Henry Tytus